Archive for April, 2015

Cardiac Trauma

Discussion of cardiac injuries. Go to and check out our stuff. Thanks for listening JY

I am happy to invite you to the online apparel site. Our goal is for everyone who helps us to save lives to be proud to show people they are part of the UVA Trauma Team.

These are the choices for delivery:

–      If you are a UVA Employee, Resident or Student and willing to pick up your items at a set time and place, choose the “pick up only” option. Bear in mind these will be given out in bulk during a 3-4 hour period at a specified place once a month.

–      For Charlottesville Albemarle Rescue Squad, Charlottesville Fire Department and Albemarle County Fire Rescue volunteer and career personnel, if there are more than 10 orders from your station, I will make one bulk delivery to your station. So, if possible, encourage your people to make their orders in the next 4 weeks. Afterwards, you will need to choose USPS shipping.

–      The other option is USPS Priority Mail Flat Rate Shipping. If you choose this option we will ship your items within 7 days of order unless the item is backordered. A photo of the t-shirt is attached.

If you order embroidery, allow at least 4 weeks for delivery.


Please forward this email to your areas of responsibility and to anyone else you think would be interested in showing they are part of our team.


If you have any questions, please contact us through the site,


Any profit from the sales of these items, above the costs of inventory, packaging, delivery, shipping, taxes, website construction and management, and embroidery will be donated into a gift account that supports trauma research and education at UVA.



DNR Does Not Mean DN (Do Nothing)

A discussion of the danger of EMS providers backing off on patients because of their age, a DNR order when the patient does not require CPR or intubation but only requires good care, or their belief that the patient will have a bad outcome. Important listening for those of you that want to withhold care from these patients in the field. Thanks for listening. JY