Archive for category Clinical Teaching

Obtaining Proficiency in Low Frequency High Stress Situations

Discussion of the positives and negatives of experience, and the various tools to use to gain clinical proficiency when actual clinical experience is lacking. A tune I wrote and recorded at the beginning and end. Thanks for listening.

Complex Trauma

Discussion of some complex trauma resuscitation and evaluation situations. Hope you find it useful. JY

Situational Decision Making: Chest-Pelvis-Head

Sorry its been so long. I will do new podcasts talking about complex ICU and trauma clinical situations and my algorithms and beliefs on how you should handle them. Me on sax trying to do justice to My One and Only Love. Happy New Year!


Patient Handoffs

Proactive Care/Vents/Pressors

A discussion of proactive care, a little on vents, and pressor management. Stay safe. JY

Patient Safety for the Trauma Patient in the Field

Episode discussing patient safety concepts for the trauma patient in the real world.

Discussion of Cardiac Trauma

Please check out “Excelling as a Medical Student on your Clinical Rotations” by me in the Kindle Store:


Excelling as a Medical Student on Your Clinical Rotations in Kindle Store

Here is the link to my short book titled above. It is an expansion of the podcast I did on this. Only 99 cents and a quick read. Here is the link:

UVA Trauma App for iphone and android

My son created an app for iphone and android available on the app store and Google Play. The name of the app is UVa Trauma. The app has our trauma protocols, checklists for major trauma situations, and links to the last 10 podcasts.
The username is uva, password is trauma, all lower case.
Hope you find it useful. JY

The Crashing Patient

Discussion of what to do when suddenly your patient becomes the sickest patient in the hospital.