I am attaching am 18 page transcript of a war game session in 2005. It contains about 8 cases and provides a really good guide as to how to conduct these simulations. I would advise to read through the transcript from beginning to end to get an idea of how we do the cases and how they flow. Then look at the spreadsheets I provided in the previous post to see how we give the student the data and move the case along.
I haven’t matched the cases in the transcript to the spreadsheets (although several of the cases in the transcript are provided in the previous post)but will try to do that in the future when I have a little more time.
Consider this post and the previous post as an introduction to the simulation process. We will actually conduct sessions, and go over concepts in future posts and podcasts.
You see in the transcript that we classify the cases as Level 1 and 2.
Level 1 are cases that third year medical students, PGY-1’s, EMT-Is, and EMT-P’s should be able to get through. In those cases, the presenting complaint leads directly to the offending issue.
Level 2 cases are for PGY-2’s and above, CCEMT-Ps, and ICU personnel. In those either critical care issues are discussed, or the presenting complaint does not lead directly to the problem, and the case requires a broader understanding of how problems present and a more thorough understanding of how to work up and treat critical patient problems.
The cases provided in the previous post are all Level 1, I will attach and discuss more Level 1 and some Level 2 cases in the next post.
Hope you find it useful.