Here is the link to my short book titled above. It is an expansion of the podcast I did on this. Only 99 cents and a quick read. Here is the link:
Kindle Books
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- STEMI Showdown from Orange County Fire and EMS
- 911 to the ED: Multiple Casualty Incident care and Thoracotomy
- 911 to the ICU - STEMI Part 1 EMS
- 911 to the ICU - Trauma MCI Part 1
- Abdominal Pain
- Active Shooter MCI Discussion
- Advanced Trauma - GSW Abdomen and Chest with Damage Control
- Advanced Trauma: Head and hypotension
- Advice for the oral boards...
- Aeromedical issues for the ground provider
- After all this work, why aren't patients safer?
- Airway
- Airway comes first...
- Backboards and the Law of Rare Events
- Being a great student
- Belly trauma
- Burns
- Calling for help...
- Cardiac Trauma
- Care of the Hyper-Urgent Trauma Patient
- Case presentations: SBO -Hemothorax - Lower GI Bleed
- Clinical Incident Command System
- Clinical Red Teaming
- Clinical Stories - Bleeding to Death
- Clinical Stories - Blood On The Highway
- Clinical Stories - Who you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?
- Combined sites
- Command
- Command in the Field
- Complex Airway Issues
- Complex Airway Issues
- Complex Trauma
- Crashing Part 2 - Mental Status
- Crashing Part 3 - Hypotension
- Crashing: What to do when your patient is suddenly the sickest patient in the hospital
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- Critical Care - Respiratory Failure and Ventilators
- Critical Care Airway and Breathing Emergencies
- Critical Care Initial Assessment
- Critical Care: Surveillance is key
- Dealing with uncertainty in the middle of the night...
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- Discussion of MCI from Alt Right Rally
- Discussion with Ken Lipshy MD on Crisis Management
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- EMS and Medical Education
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- Expertise and Escalation
- Firefighting Paradigm vs Hospital Medicine
- Getting better at low frequency, high risk situations
- Getting into medical school part 2: extracurricular activities
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- Herding Cats Part 1: Leading Clinical Services
- Hierarchies in Medicine and Surgery
- High Intensity- High Risk Clinical Situations in the Hospital
- How To Get The Most Out of Scenario Training
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- How To Herd Cats: You've Got The Job, Now What?
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- Hypotension
- Hypotension 2
- ICU Presentations Redux
- Ileus and SBO
- Ileus and SBO Strategies
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- Improving Care and Performance
- Improving Clinical Care
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- Introduction to Patient Safety
- Introduction to Performance Improvement
- Introduction to Performance Improvement...
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- Introduction to Trauma Surgery
- Intubation, right main stems, and chest tubes
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- Key Components of Care of the Trauma Patient
- Kobiyashi Maru (for the Star Trek fans)
- Kobiyashi Maru (Wiki it if you don't know what it is)
- Leadership and Improving Clinical Care
- Logical Patient Presentations in Critical Care
- Major Trauma Resuscitation
- Making Logical Presentations in the ICU Part 2
- MCI incidents
- MCI's and DIsasters
- MCIs and Disasters
- Medical Aspects of Vehicle Rescue
- Medical Malpractice Process Part 1
- Minimizing explanations for patient's problems
- Misperception and clinical error
- Mistakes
- New paradigm for ICU presentations...
- Not accurately detecting the true state of the patient
- Obtaining Proficiency in Low Frequency High Stress Situations
- Obtaining Proficiency in Low Frequency High Stress Situations
- Offense and Defense in Clinical Care
- Order and Disorder
- Outline for Surgical Airway Lecture
- Part 1- Lecture to medical students
The content of this website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, nor should it be considered a substitute for, professional medical advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition.
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